Owenniny vindkraftspark
Mechanically stabilised layers incorporating Tensar geogrids not only enabled access roads and working platforms for a new wind farm to be built over weak ground but also meant significantly less imported aggregate was needed.
- 40% - 50% thinner roads and platforms
- 50% less imported fill
- 50% reduction in CO2 emissions
Phase one of the Oweninny Wind Farm involved building 25km of 4m wide unpaved access roads and temporary working platforms at 29 wind turbine locations. The wind farm was constructed on challenging ground, so roads and platforms had to be able to support heavy construction traffic over weak and saturated ground but also be economical to build.
Upon review of the original design proposal, Tensar provided a value engineered solution which maximised the performance of the working platforms and access roads mechanically stabilised by Tensar geogrids. The increased efficiency reduced the working platform thickness by 40% to 50% (depending on ground conditions) while still meeting the loading requirements. The volume of aggregate required was reduced by 50% and thus a substantial savings in time and money. Consequently, CO2 emissions were reduced by 50% due to less quarrying, truck movement and placing/compaction activities on-site.